Monday, October 22, 2018

Weekly Divination - 1 Fairy Card - Acquisitio the Alicanto

A show is Acquisitio 
A gluttonous Alicanto 
The more she procures 
The less she endures 
The weight of her fate in escrow. 

Are you thinking of making a major purchase? Perhaps buying a home? Acquisitio the Alicanto says get off the fence and go for it!

It can be difficult to take a risk and make a big investment, and not even the fairies can say if it will make you rich in the end. However, if you have done your research, it's time to trust your gut and put your plan into action. If you haven't done any research, well then it's time to use your favorite search engine to find some real estate agents.

The only thing that is guaranteed is that if you continue with your inaction is nothing. You will risk nothing, and lose nothing; but you will gain nothing.

If you enjoyed this post you may like some of my other divinations:

1 Fairy Card - Rubeus the Redcap
Divination with Runes - Uruz
Divination is Art

If you would like more information about these Fairy Cards, visit

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Magical Moment - Hello Sister!

From left to right:  My son, me, MY SISTER! and my brother

While one of my three brothers and I are fairly close, we just don't call one another.  We have a hang up about using the's a thing.  So when he called me out of the blue one morning I answered in a rushed panic, "Who died?"

"Well," he said, "nobody died...somebody was 1952."

My brother then began to explain that he had taken an DNA test.  It was mostly for fun, because he already knew a great deal about his genetic profile.  In addition to our large family stretching over multiple generations, I have done some extensive research on our family linking us directly to Captain Myles Standish of the Mayflower.  There is also a book written about the Peck branch of our family which can be purchased on  So when my brother released his DNA for research and gave his consent to be linked to relatives, he was fairly certain he would know everyone he connected to, even the 3rd and 4th cousins.  And he did know the connections for the most part...

Except...a woman in Hawaii had also released her DNA for research and she had given her consent to be linked to relatives.  She certainly wasn't a 3rd or 4th cousin, no, she shared more DNA with my brother than our niece (she'd taken an Ancestry DNA test too).  What did this mean?

I consulted my research on which has linked census records and military records.  There were two men on my mother's side.  Census records placed her father in Missouri and her brother in Michigan in 1951. 

There were five men on my father's side.  Poor farmers from Iowa did not generally fly off to Hawaii in the 50's not to mention that the Korean War would have made travel even more challenging.  I could easily account for 4 of those five men - they were of course in Iowa.  In addition to census records though, I had access to military records.  My brother and I knew that our father had served in the Navy during the Korean War.  I even had the name of his ship PC-1172 (it wasn't given a "name" until after the Korean War).  Well, it just so happened PC-1172 spent a great deal of time in Hawaii in 1951.

What did this mean?  That much of a DNA match might mean niece, but the lovely lady in Hawaii was older than my brother and I.  That much of a DNA match might mean Aunt but the two grandfather's were accounted for.  That could only leave one possibility, our Korean War veteran father must also be her father.  I stalked her Facebook page and one click was all it took for me to see the resemblance.   If you look at the picture above you will see matching jaw lines, identical noses and similar eyes.  There can be no denying that we are all significantly related.  Even strangers who encountered us as we gallivanted around Las Vegas this September were sure we were family.   They had no idea that we had just met!  We felt an instant connection.  We just all clicked, like little cogs on a mystical machine falling into place. 

One memorable highlight from our interaction was that I admitted that I don't really answer to my name of Amy Alice because my brothers and my parents always called me "Sister."  What a coincidence to discover that her brothers in Hawaii also called her "Sister" and she doesn't really answer to her given name either!

And she doesn't like talking on the random...

DNA is science but what stops it from being magical?  Especially when it offers the chance to give you the gift of a sister?  It's a rhetorical question of course, but if you must have the answer, then it is nothing.  Nothing stops science from being magical.  Magic is simply those unseen connections that simply exist whether or not we know they are there.  Sounds a lot like the science of DNA to me.


Have you had a DNA Magical Moment?  I hope you will share your experience in the comments.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Weekly Divination - 1 Fairy Card - Rubeus the Redcap

When Rubeus Redcap appears,
He'll force you to face darkest fears.
There's danger ahead
But go forth in dread.
Or live your regret in arrears.

Many people make the mistake of asking me if I'm white witch. In my opinion, magic does not have a color; it simply is.  And it can be used to be helpful or harmful in equal measure.  Many people want to believe healing magic can only be "good" but it is nothing short of rape if this "healing" is done without permission.
This concept of magic being neither good nor bad is largely why I felt moved to create a divination system that incorporated the energy of the fae (to learn more about my system visit  The fae are spirits of pure magic and likewise, they are neither white nor black, good nor evil, seelie or unseelie.  Court structures are human facades that are not recognized in the realm of the fae. Magic, and the fae simply are. They are helpful when they feel inspired to be helpful and they are vengeful when they feel moved to be so.
Are the fae evil?
Are you?
I'm sure that we have all done things that we regret later when the wisdom of hindsight gives us time to reflect. Sometimes we regret what we have done. Yet humans especially often regret what we did not do. In my lifetime I am more apt to regret those times where I tempered my vengeance. Would that my make me evil in your judgement? 
The message of Rubeus Redcap is that each of us must act in accordance with what we feel is right in the moment. If you feel you have made an error later, then diligently make amends in that moment of discovery.  Action is what is important - action in the moment.  But be careful that you don't mistake action for a judgment.  No human I've met cares for judgments, the fae I'm sure would find a mortal's judgment simply laughable.  Rubeus the Redcap would probably warn you to dole your judgments out sparingly.

If you like this post you may enjoy some of my other divinations: