Monday, October 22, 2018

Weekly Divination - 1 Fairy Card - Acquisitio the Alicanto

A show is Acquisitio 
A gluttonous Alicanto 
The more she procures 
The less she endures 
The weight of her fate in escrow. 

Are you thinking of making a major purchase? Perhaps buying a home? Acquisitio the Alicanto says get off the fence and go for it!

It can be difficult to take a risk and make a big investment, and not even the fairies can say if it will make you rich in the end. However, if you have done your research, it's time to trust your gut and put your plan into action. If you haven't done any research, well then it's time to use your favorite search engine to find some real estate agents.

The only thing that is guaranteed is that if you continue with your inaction is nothing. You will risk nothing, and lose nothing; but you will gain nothing.

If you enjoyed this post you may like some of my other divinations:

1 Fairy Card - Rubeus the Redcap
Divination with Runes - Uruz
Divination is Art

If you would like more information about these Fairy Cards, visit

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