These are the truths by which I live. These are not quotes, they are the lessons I have learned. Some have links to longer posts.
1. Art is a bowel movement of the mind.
2. No one else will ever make you whole.
3. Anything imagined is a possible possibility.
4. As much as I would really like to blame someone else, there is only myself to blame.
5. Money wouldn't be any fun unless it was hard to come by.
6. The audience will go anywhere you wish to take them as long as you hold their hand.
7. If something must have meaning; then consider it as a gift.
8. I will not sacrifice my independence.
9. I love my life and that is why it frustrates me.
10. Only boring people get bored.
11. You are responsible for your own happiness.
12. Experiences in and of themselves are neither good nor bad; it is what one does with them that determines their value.
13. Anything worth pursing is never easy to follow.
14. You are only as good as you allow yourself to be. You decide what is good enough.
15. Anyone is capable of anything they wish to accomplish. You just have to decide to do it.
16. "Better" is forward motion in a positive direction.
17. I am NOT Wendy.
18. Getting what you want is not as difficult as knowing what you want.
19. I am independent of other peoples' judgements.
20. Constantly submitting oneself to the wants and will of others is not a path that leads to happiness.
21. To dishonor another is to dishonor one's self.
22. If I pause to mourn who I might have been; I must then move forward with respect for who I am.
23. Love given is not complete until it is willingly received.
24. If what I really want is solutions, I must give up the joys of punishing myself.
25. Ultimately, the only person who can ever save you, is only you.
26. Have the courage to be who you could be.
27. People who place themselves above others are hiding their beileif that they are beneath.
28. If you know the truth behind you own mistake, you may not be able to fix it; but you can make it better.
29. Nothing "just happens," everything is a process.
30. My kindness is not an invitation.
31. Positive thinking is a choice.
32. "I have to..." is just a lie to escape the consequences of my choices. "I have to..." gives me permission to be miserable.
33. Mistakes are powerful opportunities. They help us decide who we want to become.
34. I can never "have" the immensity that is Time. I must offer Time an invitation.
(A bookshelf taught me this. You can read our conversation in Why Do We Keep Broken Things?)
Deep thinking and interesting