Thursday, June 28, 2018

Book Spotlight: Conscious Dreaming by Robert Moss

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One of my favorite books is Conscious Dreaming by Robert Moss.

What Drew Me In

  1. Mr. Moss introduced the idea dreams are a way for me to access my creative source.
  2. Personal experience is heralded as paramount.
  3. Nightmares are addressed as "aborted dreams."

How I Think I Can Apply It Magically

  1. I have observed that when I am a diligent "dream catcher" I am rewarded with helpful precognitive information
  2. Dreams are a bridge between all religions.  Many of my non-magical friends come to me with help on dream imagery.
  3. There are wonderful exercise to try and apply.  Many are shamanic in nature and stretch me spiritually and magically. 
Do you remember your dreams?  Do you find that the images help you process the events in your life?

Other Book Spotlights you might enjoy:

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

U.S. Psychotronics Conference in Deerfield, Illinois

Astrologer Alan Salami recommended this conference to me.  The idea of combining technology with the metaphysical is a fascinating concept to me.

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USPA Conference

Are you attending?  Why or why not?

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Book Spotlight: Option B by Sheryl Sandberg

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I'm currently reading Option B by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant. 

What Drew Me In

  1. I was drawn in by the idea the resilience to adversity was a skill that can be developed.
  2. I was introduced to the idea that the concept of permanence - the belief that the state of grief will last forever - can hinder resilience.
  3. The comparison of dealing with grief and physical stamina.  It's something that builds with practice.

How I Think I Can Apply It Magically

  1. Magic is all about taking a creative approach to a difficult situation.  If nothing is permanent, then I really do have the ability to change something about my circumstances.  I have power.
  2. Magic is a skill.  You can practice it.  I had never thought to apply that concept to grief and resilience.

Have you ever read a great book that the author had no intention of being applied to a magical life and yet inspires your path?  

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Check out Patheos.Com and Mankey's Article on Summer Festivals

I hope you enjoy Summer Pagan Festivals 2018: A Guide by Jason Mankey.  I was doing some research on Summer Festivals and feel Mr. Mankey's article on Patheos is one of the best I've found. 

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I had the privilege of meeting Jason Mankey at Paganicon 2017.  I love his presentation and writing style.  He's very matter of fact, provides pertinent information on the topic at hand, and throws in just the right amount of humor!

What is your favorite summer festival?