1. This first figure in a geomancy reading refers to the self, and the attitudes the person is bringing to the table. In my case, I have Tristitia as this figure. Tristitia means “sorrow” in Latin and often is looked upon with trepidation. However, for me, this is an interesting figure, because Tristitia is I think my favorite of all the geomancy figures. Sorrow is a natural emotion that should not be hidden or avoided. It is the emotion that I believe teaches the most important lessons about wisdom, compassion and healing; and these are exactly the qualities fortune telling should provide. Additionally, the pictograph of Tristitia is like a stake, suggesting something to be driven in and rooted – much like a tent stake! Taking all this into account, I see Tristitia as a sign that Fairy Fortunes will continue to grow, not without challenges, but instead of finding my mistakes discouraging, it seems I am open to learning a great deal in 2019.
2. The first pointed geomancy shape is called the Shield Chart, and these readings are not read linearly. So, the second figure I normally read in the Shield chart is in a position that is given the name The Right Witness. This figure also relates to the self. Here, I have Fortuna Minor, or as I like to call her, The Fairy Princess. This is generally considered to be a good figure. It represents good fortune, but it is considered “minor,” usually because there isn’t an element of maturity. Without, self-analysis and constructive criticism, long-term gains cannot be maintained. The Fairy Princess also usually requires some outside help – she needs teachers, advisors, and her Queenly mother to help her. This is an interesting figure to see here. I’m not very good about asking for assistance, I think the appearance of this figure is reminding me that it is not a sign of weakness to seek out people with more seasoned knowledge. I also have been thinking of doing more collaborative videos on the Fairy Fortune YouTube channel, so I’m taking this as a sign that collaboration is a direction to pursue.
3. This position is called the Left Witness and relates to the question at hand, in this case, “What can I expect for Fairy Fortunes in 2019?” This figure is Via, which translates to “road” in Latin. I’ve been thinking that I would like to do more traveling and do more festivals in 2019. I’m seeing this as an omen that wish is very likely. Coupled with the first figure of Tristita, representative of a tent stake, I’m seeing that 2019 is very auspicious for this desire.
4. This figure is very important in the Shield Chart. The name of this position is called the Judge. When paired with the other figures and patterns, it can suggest a final summation of the question. This position generally concludes whether an outcome will be favorable, or unfavorable. In this case I have Fortuna Major, or as I call her, The Fairy Queen. There are only a few limited circumstances where the Fairy Queen is view as unfavorable, as this figure implies success and good luck. I also find it interesting that the Fairy Princess embarks on a path to become the Fairy Queen. I could interpret this to mean that I can expect Fairy Fortunes to do very well in 2019, but I will have to be willing to take risks, and be willing to accept some failures and heartaches (Tristitia’s message). If I am prepared to learn from my mistakes, and preserve, ultimately, I will enjoy great success.
5. Not all of the figures are necessarily read in the Shield Chart. After figure 4, I look for any reoccurring patterns. However, in my case, there aren’t any. That can be a good sign, as reoccurring patterns can reflect bad habits or trouble spots that need to be addressed. The lack of reoccurring patterns in my case may be a warning to keep things simple. I tend to over think things a great deal. Perhaps this reading is a message to acknowledge the face value of my circumstances when it comes to Fairy Fortunes.
That said, there is a near similar pattern that I think is worth looking at. Figure 5 is the Fairy Queen, coupled with Via in Figure 6, with the Fairy Princess in Figure 7. These three figures form what is called a Triplicity and this far left position represents people. Given my ferociously independent nature, I think this pattern conveys that I have a strong ideal for Fairy Fortunes. I know what I am trying to accomplish and my mission and purpose are not only clear, but worth pursuing. However, my weakness is my tendency to overthink things, and one thing I can obsess over more than anything is criticism. I’m seeing this pattern here as a warning. While collaborating with others and seeking advice from seasoned travelers will be to my benefit, I will have to take care that I ask for specific advice, but steer clear of people who want me to change my mission for Fairy Fortunes. Changing the mission, and the core elements would not be a step in the right direction, but instead, a regression.
Now I will move on to the square shaped casting – this is called the House Chart. It begins with Tristitia again in the House of Self. Tristitia appears again in the House of Money, and also in the House of Pleasure. Especially in a yearly casting, I believe that reoccurring figures suggest that there is a connection between these life areas. Tristita is not necessarily a bad figure for money, as it has the connotation of grounded-ness. However, it does not suggest that Fairy Fortunes will be making a ton of money. Tristitia suggests stability, but probably nothing to write to Forbes about.
I do think it’s interesting that Tristitia appears in the House of Pleasure. Because, when I first came up with the concept of Fairy Fortunes, it was less about Fortune, and more a way to express myself. It incorporated my love of performance, my singing ability and my intuitive gifts, all in one.
There is an additional curiosity In the House of Communication. When a figure repeats directly in neighboring Houses, such as Tristitia does in the House of Self and House of Money, this is called a “walking figure.” Trisititia then is “walking” to the Head of the Dragon in the House of Communication. This suggests that a great deal of Fairy Fortunes longevity and stability may be dependent on Communication. In the business world this would likely correlate to advertising. I will need to get creative on promotion for events, the YouTube Channel and the business in general it seems. The Head of the Dragon suggests that opportunities abound! So, I need to be open to many possibilities and perhaps be willing to consider events or opportunities I feel are a bit of a stretch, or outside my comfort zone.
Puella rests in the House of Home. I’m not surprised to see her here because if my business goals for 2019 come to fruition, I’ll be doing a lot more travelling in 2019, and Puella’s flighty nature is not a bad sign in this house.
Albus is the figure in House of Service. This I feel is also auspicious is that I believe that the service I provide as a fortune teller is being receptive to others – which is the nature of Albus.
The Fairy Queen appears in the House of Partnerships and again in the House of Friendship. My plan is to do more collaborative videos on the Fairy Fortune YouTube channel. It would seem that if I hound my personal friends to appear on the channel, those videos will be particularly successful and may have the added bonus of deepening those friendships causing them to thrive!
I love the shock value of the House of Death. There is nothing I love more than announcing the title of this house in a loud and melodramatic voice. That said, death, in the context of a geomancy House Chart refers to change. The reality I must face is that for something new to be born, something old must die. I really never much cared for travel before Fairy Fortunes, maybe Via’s appearance here (she means “road” in case you’ve forgotten) means I’m moving away from my need for my homebody lifestyle.
Now to continue with the travel theme with the House devoted to that topic. Populus is a bit unfocused. She definitely goes against my desire to plan every element of my daily life. I like routine. In fact, I get upset if something out of my control causes me to adjust my plans. It would seem that some events are going to be last minute and I’m going to have to adopt an uncharacteristic ability to go with the flow…or be upset…I’ll probably be upset.
The Fairy Princess appears in both the House of Career and House of Trouble. Hmm….telling…it is for this reason that I like to do both Shield Chart and House Chart in the Deluxe Geomancy reading. This coupling I think repeats the message of the triplicity in the position of people. Collaboration and asking for advice on specific subjects will be necessary in 2019, but I need to be wary if people want to change the core elements of Fairy Fortunes. I know I want to incorporate a music element to my readings, I know I want to keep my prices low, I know that I have strong fae characters representing my oracle deck - these are core elements to Fairy Fortunes and I must remain determined to keep them.
The center square is a reminder that I can expect success for 2019 if I am willing to seek help and advice along my journey when an issue comes up. But it is crucial to remember that the mission of Fairy Fortunes is sound, and those core elements that are important to me do not need to be changed, even if a well-meaning person suggests that they do.
Visit www.fairyfortunes.com for more information on geomancy and Fairy Fortunes.
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